

Bookkeeping is the recording of financial transactions, and is part of the process of accounting in business. Transactions include purchases, sales, receipts and payments by an individual or organization. There are some common methods of bookkeeping such as the single-entry bookkeeping system and the double-entry bookkeeping system. But while these systems may be seen as real bookkeeping, any process that involves the recording of financial transactions is a bookkeeping process.


Understanding were you are with your booking is one of the most important tasks for all businesses. Recording and tracking receipts, managing quarterly tax returns, payroll, and managing accounts are all vital bookkeeping responsibilities. Is this currently one of your tasks that you are responsible for among the many others that you are struggling to keep up with performing.

Unfortunately when you’re responsible for so many things, it can be easy for bookkeeping tasks to pile up and for mistakes to happen. The good news is by hiring a virtual bookkeeping service you can ensure nothing slips through the cracks ever again.

Your VIRTUAL ACCOUNTING/BOOKKEEPER is capable of helping with:

Enter transactions * Ensure bank records are complete and accurate * Pay employees and vendors * Establish employee reimbursements * Help prepare your quarterly/monthly tax reports * Prepare financial reports * Run reports on spending patterns

If you need help with accounting or bookkeeping in your business, a virtual bookkeeping assistant may be the perfect solution. With a virtual bookkeeping assistant you pay for the hours you need and nothing more.


The ability to focus for lengthy periods is necessary when entering data. When dealing with sensitive or private information such as medical, financial, or military records discretion becomes very relevant. Logging data into a spreadsheet or special software is a repetitive, but important task. Attention to detail and the ability to type fairly quickly while retaining accuracy is very important. These tasks are often referred to as mindless tasks and employees talents are better used elsewhere. If you hire a virtual data entry assistant, you will be giving your team more time to work on the items they were hired for originally. Confidentiality is a high priority.

Your VIRTUAL DATA ENTRY ASSISTANT is capable of helping with:

Adding or Updating Medical Records * Entering Information on New Sales Leads * Logging Billing Information for Customers * Creating New User Profiles * Researching Possible Database Systems * Converting System * Combine Databases * Manage Donor Databases * Set-up Inventory Databases * Set-up Efficient Systems * Cleaning Database

Delegate some of these duties and have more time to sale products, improve relationships with donors, and save money.